Piper Guineense
Also called Gorilla Pepper, this Congo pepper grows in the wild inside dense forests of Likouala in the protected natural area of the national park where our bipedal cousins live! It grows on vines which creep up trees more than 20m high and is picked by the Baakas tribe, a hunter-gatherer Pygmy people.
With an exceptional lingering taste, this pepper is very fragrant, predominantly spicy with fruity, menthol and zesty fresh citrus notes. It is mild bite and goes wonderfully with sauce preparations, it tolerates cooking very well whether it is whole or ground. It is a pepper you will use with olive oil, its aromas combine perfectly with grilled meat. It is traditionally used with grilled chicken and goes well with all everyday dishes. Its spicy flavor makes it a perfect pepper to enhance sweet and salted dishes and desserts.