Head Office: is owned by: AROMATIQUES TROPICALES, 66 lieu-dit Le Bourg, 46340 DÉGAGNAC

CNIL registration number: 1638540

Intra-community VAT number: FR05953904141

Registre du commerce: RCS CAHORS B 953 904 141

SIRET number: 953 904 141 00017

Packager reference number: EMB 46087 B

APE code (equivalent to the UK SIC): APE 4729Z

Bio certificate: FR-BIO-09.250-0084525.2024.001

Creation and web hosting Agence Oh My Web !

Copyright: The texts, illustrations, logos, photos, videos and all other contents of the website, are the property of Aromatiques Tropicales, and it is strictly forbidden to copy, transfer or use them in any way without our express permission.

Illustrations : Rose Forshall

Photos : Felix Farmer and Philippe Janina

English translation: Jane Phillips

Privacy and security: The contact information supplied by the client is essential for the on-line ordering and payment process. This information is requested to enable us to contact you if necessary, and to inform you concerning our products and special offers. Under no circumstances is this information passed on to any third party. As required by the French "Informatique et Libertés" law of 6 January 1978, modified in 2004, a client has the right to access, modify and delete any personal information which concerns him/her, to do so simply contact us. The bank and credit card details which you supply in order to pay for your order are encrypted using SSL technology (Crédit Agricole Bank PayBox E-transaction SSL28) which guarantees maximum security for all transactions.

Cookies : Cookies track your connection to our site, are essentiel for the functionality of the website and to enable you to place an order. It is therefore necessary that the internet user has his computer configured to accept cookies.

This Web site was created using PrestaShop™ open-source software.

Information regarding online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution Regulation):

The European Commission gives consumers the opportunity to resolve online disputes pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR on one of their platforms. The platform ( serves as a site where consumers can try to reach out-of-court settlements of disputes arising from online purchases and contracts for services.