Our very first blend of spices, created 15 years ago and still a best-seller! A must for any rum lover! This blend of spices, designed for 1 litre of rum, contains all the ingredients for making a delicious planter's punch, just add rum. No more last minute hunting for the missing vital ingredient. How to use: pour the contents of the packet into a litre of white sugar cane rum (rhum agricole) and leave to macerate for 48 hours. You can leave the ingredients in the bottle.
Serve thoroughly chilled, with ice cubes or fruit juice, a mixed fruit juice is ideal (one measure of planter's punch with three measures of fruit juice) but avoid apple and grape juice. Sugar cane syrup can be added if necessary.
Ingredients: Star anise seed, Chinese cinnamon, cardamom, Szechwan pepper, vanilla, mace, Jamaican chilli pepper.