Drimys winteri
This false pepper comes from Chile. Originally, bark of Drimys winteri was used by the surgeon of explorer Francis Drake to fight scurvy and to season the kitchen on board. The bark was dried and wrapped in pipes like the bark of a cinnamon tree, hence the Chilean name for “canelo”. For the Mapuche, this tree is sacred, it is the tree of wisdom, peace and healing.
A delicate aroma of candied fruit emanates from this small berry. In the mouth, the first sensation is sweet and camphorous; when crunching the fruit, its pungent force is revealed and then calms down. A fruity sweetness that stays in the mouth for a long time. Its woody and fruity notes are reminiscent of berries and blackberry. Chiloé pepper goes well with fish and all seafood products but also with white meat and many dishes in sauce that you want to flavor and enhance: tajine, chili, paella... Very nice chopped in marinade or ceviche, you can also use it to flavor your crudités (to let rehydrate in the sauce beforehand) and your chutney. To put whole in dishes or to pass through the coffee mill.